Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

3 Subjects

Module 5 Sync Assignment

Module 5 Sync Assignment

Q Visit the website of the International Criminal Court by clicking HERE Links to an external site.. Complete these two tasks: 1. Describe how the court works (about 1 page) 2. Click on the "Situations and Cases" tab and select "defendants" on the right hand side of the window. Pick one defendant and summarize the "case information sheet"; make sure to include information on the charges, the status of the case and possibly outcomes (about 1 page) Expected length: min. 2 pages

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There are multiple ways of describing how the court works. The court has jurisdiction over four major crimes first is genocide. It is described as an intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. This is for putting harm on these categories that I described whether it be mental or bodily harm to the members in this group. Second is the ICC. They can prosecute crimes against humanity. Which means they look for serious violations committed as a large scale attack and harm to others such as civilians. Some examples will be described as rape, murder, imprisonment, enforced dissaperences, enslavement.